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Featured Speakers

Shingo Kimura

Senior Natural Resources and Agriculture Specialist
Asian Development Bank

Shobayashi Mikitaro

Research Institute for Human and Nature

Shreemat Shrestha

Chair of the Asian and Pacific Network for Testing of Agricultural Machinery and Director, National Agricultural Engineering Research Centre
Nepal Agricultural Research Council

Shri Goverdhan Singh Rawat

Deputy Managing Director, Pune, Maharashtra RO
National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development, India

Shuchi Vora

Resilience Knowledge Coalition Lead
Global Resilience Partnership

Shuixian Xiao


Solomie Gebrezgabher

Senior Researcher - Economics
International Water Management Institute

Soonho Kim

Senior Data Manager, Markets, Trade and Institutions
International Food Policy Reseach Institute

Stefanos Fotiou

UN Food Systems Coordination Hub

Stella Tansengco-Schapero

Senior Financing Partnerships Specialist, Partners Funds Division
Asian Development Bank