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Featured Speakers

Imtiaz Hussain

Member Crop Sciences
Pakistan Agricultural Research Council, the Ministry of National Food Security and Research

Iqrar Ahmad Khan

University of Agriculture (Faisalabad-Pakistan)

Irina Zodrow

Head of Partnerships, Financing and Networks
Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) movement secretariat

Isabel Lambrecht

Research Fellow
International Food Policy Research Institute

Ismahane Elouafi

Executive Managing Director
Consortium of International Agricultural Research Centers

James Catto

Director, Office of International Development Policy
U.S. Department of Treasury

Jansinee Kankaew

Head of Implementation Sub-Division
ASEAN Plus Three Emergency Rice Reserve

Jessica Colston

Lead, Environment and Nutrition

Jiangfeng Zhang

Director, Agriculture, Food, Nature, and Rural Development Sector Office, Sectors Group
Asian Development Bank

Jo Swinnen

Director General
International Food Policy Research Institute