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Lukas Borkowski

Senior Director of Strategic Partnerships

Lukas Borkowski is an impact-driven Relationship Builder and Digital for Development Strategist with a passion for co-creating user-centred digital engagement campaigns through Design Thinking, Human-Centred Design (HCD) and Social Behaviour Change Communication (SBCC). I like building sustainable partnerships in ICT4D, Mobile for Development (M4D) and Ethical Data based on shared value and common purpose and enjoy continuous testing, learning and iterating to maximise impact. 

He has 10+ years' experience in social innovation and digital strategy consulting in international development; leading open innovation and co-creation processes with interdisciplinary and multicultural teams; designing and implementing user-centred M4D solutions; applying Lean Start-Up and Validated Learning approaches for social innovation; agile data-driven iterations in line with Lean Analytics principles; team leadership through growth mindset and coaching; developing M&E, Research and Learning (MERL) and impact assessment strategies; partnerships management, business development and proposal writing; and project management in international development consulting.

Lukas led the development of high-impact Digital for Development, ICT4D, M4D and ICT4Ag strategies and approaches and experienced Team Leader for social innovation and digital engagement projects with donors including USAID, World Bank, UNICEF, EU, GIZ, KfW and SDC. He support social entrepreneurs with Business Model Design and I regularly speak at Digital for Development events, forums and webinars and contribute to the growing digital innovation ecosystem in international development. I hold an MSc in Development Economics (Distinction) from the University of London, School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), and I am fluent in English, French and German.



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