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Dylan Walters

Health Economist / Project Director, Health Economics
Nutrition International

Dylan joined Nutrition International in 2018 and is the Project Director for Health Economics.

His work focuses on developing and leading the health economics research, evaluation, modelling and policy projects related to maternal and child nutrition for the organization and working with partners to advance the domain of nutrition through economic analyses.

He completed his PhD with the Canadian Centre for Health Economics and Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation at the University of Toronto. His dissertation focused on the effectiveness and cost-effecitveness of vitamin A fortification of sunflower oil with small- and medium-sized entreprises in Tanzania.

He brings experience from previous work with the Health, Nutrition and Population Global Practice of the World Bank , Alive & Thrive, and SickKids Centre for Global Child Health. Dylan was also a research intern with the Centre for Policy Analysis on Trade and Health in San Francisco, a Policy Analysis Officer with Canadian Coalition for Global Health Research.

Website: Nutrition International