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Deep Dive Session 3.1: Rural Vitalization: Lessons from East Asia

09:00 am - 10:30 am
Auditorium 3: Innovation in Value Chain Development 

This session will share insights and experiences from East Asia in addressing rural challenges and how infrastructure construction, talent cultivation, environment protection, living environment enhancement, and integrated rural-urban development affect this development.


Shingo Kimura, Senior Natural Resources and Agriculture Specialist, ADB 


  • Kevin Chen, Qiushi Chair Professor and International Dean China Academy for Rural Development Zhejiang University, and Senior Research Fellow International Food Policy Research Institute 
  • Keijiro Otsuka, Professor, Kobe University 
  • Shobayashi Mikitaro, Professor, Research Institute for Human and Nature  
  • Il Jeong Jeong, Minister Counselor, Permanent Mission of the Republic of Korea in Geneva 
  • Chen Ji, Professor China Academy for Rural Development Zhejiang University 


Chen Ji

Professor China Academy for Rural Development

Zhejiang University

Il Jeong Jeong​

Minister Counselor

Permanent Mission of the Republic of Korea in Geneva

Keijiro Otsuka


Kobe University

Kevin Chen

Qiushi Chair Professor and International Dean; Senior Research Fellow

China Academy for Rural Development Zhejiang University; International Food Policy Research Institute

Shingo Kimura

Senior Natural Resources and Agriculture Specialist

Asian Development Bank

Shobayashi Mikitaro


Research Institute for Human and Nature

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