Purvi Mehta is the Senior Advisor of the Global Growth and Opportunities division at the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
She has her formal education, up to PhD, from M.S. University, India, Tokyo University, Japan and North Carolina State University-USA. Dr. Mehta has worked with leading international organizations like the CGIAR, as head of Asia for the International Livestock Research Institute and as head of South Asia Biosafety program (IFPRI, USAID), and brings a blend of Asia and Africa experience.
She is on board of several organizations, including, International Alliance for Ecology and Health, International Centre for Rural Agriculture, Independent Director on Board of National Commodity Derivatives Exchange Ltd (NCDEX), Advisory Council-World Food Prize. She is also Adjunct Professor at Cornell University-USA. She has been closely associated with several agriculture and nutrition policy platforms in India, South and Southeast Asia and Africa and serves on several committees and advisory panels.
Website: GatesFoundation.org