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Arthur Fajardo

Director, Agricultural Machinery Testing and Evaluation Center
University of the Philippines

Dr. Arthur L. Fajardo is a well-esteemed professor at the Agricultural Machinery and Power Engineering Division of the College of Engineering and Agro-Industrial Technology (CEAT), University of the Philippines Los Baños (UPLB). In almost 20 years in the profession, Dr. Fajardo now holds the rank of Professor 5. He is the current director of the Agricultural Machinery Testing and Evaluation Center (AMTEC). Aside from his administrative functions within the university, Dr. Fajardo is also the Auditor of PSABE – Region 4A Chapter.

He completed his undergraduate, masteral, and PhD degrees in Agricultural Engineering in UPLB. Over the years, Dr. Fajardo has engaged in several research projects, served as resource speaker, and presented papers with main focus on soil tillage, microhydro systems, STW pumps and drilling, and machine design.

Website: University of the Philippines