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Amy Chua

Head, Partnerships
Grow Asia

Amy's expertise in stakeholder engagement, brand reputation, and network building has enabled her to contribute significantly to the development of sustainable and inclusive agricultural practices in the region. She is a trusted and respected leader, known for her ability to collaborate and foster effective partnerships. At Grow Asia, Amy provides regional supervision for the organization's Country Chapters in Cambodia, the Philippines, and Vietnam. In addition, she guides and builds the capacity of the Partnerships team at a regional level, and ensures that best practices and global knowledge are shared across all chapters.

​Previously PPSA's Country Director, Amy was instrumental in establishing the organization's Core Committee, Working Groups, and the Inclusive Value Chains Leadership Network, which aim to support sustainable and inclusive agricultural development in the country. She also previously served as the Communications and Engagement Manager of the Aboitiz Foundation, Portfolio Manager for Livelihood, and Officer-in-Charge of the Corporate Affairs of the Philippine Business for Social Progress (PBSP).

Amy holds a degree in Development Communication from the University of the Philippines - Los Baños.

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