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Deep Dive Session 2.2: Building Systemic Resilience Against Climate Variability and Extremes

11:00 am - 12:30 pm
Auditorium 2: Climate-Smart Agriculture

This session will describe several climate-smart agricultural solutions that were tested and applied in the field to reduce risk in farmers’ livelihoods and value chains at scale by managing and reducing the impact of variable weather and extreme events, particularly through enhanced digital services and innovative financial products.


  • Liangzhi You, International Food Policy Research Institute 


  • Jon Hellin, International Rice Research Institute  
  • Alice Laborte, International Rice Research Institute  
  • Liangzhi You, International Food Policy Research Institute  
  • Yating Ru, Economist (Young Professional Program), ADB 
  • Dongmei Guo, Environment Specialist, ADB 


Alice Laborte

Lead, Digital and Spatial Landscape Transformation

International Rice Research Institute

Dongmei Guo

Environment Specialist

Asian Development Bank

Jon Hellin

Platform Leader - Sustainable Impact through Rice-based Systems

International Rice Research Institute

Liangzhi You

Senior Research Fellow

International Food Policy Research Institute

Yating Ru

Economist (Young Professional Program)

Asian Development Bank

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